Tender Reference No : IGL/ET2/CP/CP18003
Nature Of Tender : Open Domestic E-Tender
Name of the Tender : Hiring Construction Management Services (CMS) for PNG Projects in GA(s) of Delhi, GB Nagar, Ghaziabad, Muzaffarnagar, Rewari, Gurugram and Karnal
Bid Document Fee : e-Tender Processing fee (directly payable to M/s. ITI Limited on non-refundable basis): Rs. 3000 + GST @18% i.e. Rs. 3540/- for each Group separately
Period for issuance of the tender : From 12.07.2024 to 09.08.2024
Bid Start Date : 2024-07-12
Pre bid meeting date and venue : 2024-07-19T15:00 Through Video Conferencing (MS Teams)
Bid Submission date and time : 2024-08-09T14:30
Un-Priced bid opening date and time : 2024-08-09T15:00
Priced bid opening date and time : Date and time shall be intimated later
Place of bid Submission : https://petroleum.ewizard.in
Tender Document(s) : Click here to Download
Other Document(s) : RTBQ_CP18003.pdf